Antiquarian Fair of Arezzo
Antiquarian Fair of Arezzo
The most ancient Antiquarian Fair in Italy
Itinerary to discover the Antiquarian Fair of Arezzo and the Ivan Bruschi House Museum.

Arezzo is known all over the world thanks to one of the most important antiques fairs. In fact, the Antiquarian Fair of Arezzo has been held since 1968. Since then it takes place every first Sunday of the month and the previous Saturday. Italian and foreign visitors, traders, enthusiasts, collectors and scholars flow into the event. As the name suggests, the sellers, coming from all over Italy, sell antique objects and important antiques. It takes place in Piazza Grande and in the streets of the historic center.
The affirmation in time of the event has meant that, alongside the outdoor exhibition, the number of antique dealers grew, from exhibitions of great tradition to antique shops whose setting still reflects in many cases the same heterogeneity that is found in the antiques fair where furniture, paintings and objects, very different from each other, not only by age but also by quality, are mixed in a “disordered” way, leaving the visitor the pleasure of discovery.
The paternity of this important event is to be attributed to Ivan Bruschi, an eclectic collector.
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